This page features all of you, your significant others, things happening in our D4 family league. There are features that I believe needs to be brought to home plate that you may not be aware of in regards to rules, instances of decisions that may affect us. This page includes ideas that I present to D4: the board, the managers, topics they could consider and be transparent about . . all are based upon the concerns and ideas you have approached me with- I thank all of you- the players and their significant others as we gather together to have fun, stay safe, and play ball!
Our D4 Family....
You are all stars shining each and every season!
Welcome All Visiting The Rec D4 Family Website! I have worked as a graphic designer and photographer for 50 years. Photography has been a passion since I was twelve! So, how did I begin providing this voluntary service for you all?
I have been featuring the D4 family since 2021- During the course of that time, I had been posting all your great action shots on my personal website; It began as my husband, Nick, first began playing with all of you- I captured his plays and captured his team mates so I shared their pics with them. Because it became very popular with so many players -as they shared the pics with family & friends- the files became a bit large for my website. With all the responses, confirming you are all enjoying this last game of life and, going for extra innings :)) I got the go ahead from rec D4's president/commissioner, Dave Bigelow, to create this website for all of us! Since then, I continued moving forward with this site, writing articles, presenting awards, holding special events at the fields to give special recognition for key birthdays, holidays, players moving away, but my main mission has been to continue providing this website for all of our D4 family as we gather twice a week and have fun while playing this kids game:) All the added features for you puts a smile on my face as we share these last chapters! Thx to all of you AND thank Dave Bigelow for this grand slam!
Each year I renew this website with my provider, Network Solutions- one of the oldest companies in the world for domain registration and hosting. While the cost began lower than the current annual fees, it provides us with unlimited data, and 1,000 free mail boxes- if any of you would like your own email with private access & password, let me know and we shall set it up! Each Fall season your manager donated to this $20.00 renewal fee. In 2025 the fee was going up to $25.00 a team with the annual fee $501.38. As the annual date approached in Fall 2024, I was made aware that things were going to change according to the manager liaison, Mark Olson. Sorry guys, I never knew there was that position in our league... OK- It was my intent to continue providing our D4 family with what I have been doing since 2021 so, I agreed to his 68+ idea as you read about it below... The new directive by the managers liaison began Fall 2024.
Jacque . Your Players AdvocateKeep Smiling . Stay Safe . Play Ball!
Support Of Stellar Players . Special Players & New Chapters
Fall 2024 the change took place- The D4 manager liaison decided to place a $5.00 fee on all players, each season. He reasoned that according to his participation in 68+ they do this for awards and ground crew acknowledgements. After speaking with him about what I have done for us, he added it would also cover my costs to the website provider, Network Solutions, I use to post this website. Because of the vast amount of data posted, I chose a package to accommodate our needs- the annual fee from Network Solutions is paid each Fall season. As stated above, this year was $501.38. Managers had been paying $20.00, now it was going to be increased to $25.00...
Well- we all know the amount was $60.00 a team, $65. if there was a non playing manager. Some players have had the thought I was getting paid with that uptick in fees- I am not. Never have/never will.
I would like to point out; although I have chosen to pay for your awards myself over the past few years, all of you have been awesome in helping out with costs for our D4 family special events & recognizing grounds keepers... It is interesting to consider I have always emailed ALL managers about donations for special events however, there are managers that choose not to forward my announcements on to their players- as you all hang out socializing, it becomes clear about not being part of the D4 family special events depending upon your manager that season- So- I thank each of you who choose to see me at the field and add to the donations when they have been left out. WE ARE A TEAM!! :))
Yes, the new player fee, implemented by Mark Olson, shall be helpful with awards as groundskeepers, and framed winning teams- I am looking forward to seeing what he gives for awards like 68+ I am dedicated to remain paying for one key award I developed- your baseball cards for our end of season league leaders! As for special events- you will be receiving an email on those events when they arise- It is separate from your player fees.
Individual Approach
Thanks to all who attended both sessions for scorekeepers training! It was a great turnout!- while knowing the new board's decision to penalize a team- forfeiting a win, if they have no scorekeepers (or umpires). Although, some of you have shared it seemed a bit confusing and were concerned they may not get it right for their scheduled scoring- My suggestion: grab a blank score sheet, head up to the tower, and sit a few innings next to the scheduled scorekeepers, pretending you are scoring that game- we all learn by doing! I mentioned this to Dan Davis, coordinator of this program, he agreed and added: he schedules new guys to keep score with seasoned scorekeepers. Additionally, I offered to provide a power point that may help avoid some confusion ... next time.... SPECIAL NOTATION! .... ALWAYS CHECK AHEAD THE SCHEDULED DATES/TIMES AS THEY MAY CHANGE ACCORDINGLY- AND YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE CHANGES!!